Tel: 1-856-799-9805
If you cannot join this prayer line, don’t feel bad. Just make sure that you spend at least, three minutes each day praying for unborn babies, worldwide. The prayer focus includes
1. Holy Spirit, please possess the spirits, Souls, Minds, and Bodies of all babies in their mothers’ wombs, worldwide.
2. Continue to commune with their spirits, and souls.
3. Please win the spirits and souls of their parents for God. In JESUS’ name Amen.
Of all human beings, the baby in the womb seems the most vulnerable. They are helpless, speechless, powerless, and totally dependent are vulnerable to both human and non-human vices. They definitely need compassionate, loving and empathetic intercessors to stand in the gap for them. That is where CBBI comes in. We need all Christians to join in this battle.
Dial:- 1-856-799-9805
TIME:- 8:00 PM (EST)