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Prayer for Unborn Babies

21 September 2024
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Mission Statement

To motivate Christian Churches, groups, and individuals to intercede with prayer on behalf of unborn babies worldwide for GOD’s protection and possession of them in the dawn of their lives before they are born into the world; thereby creating a peaceful atmosphere, and expanding the kingdom of GOD in the coming generations.

To create the awareness in the hearts of willing believers that the unborn baby has life from day one in the womb and so has the right to live;
To use every available godly means to teach, train and instruct believers to pray fervently, passionately, and effectively for all unborn babies worldwide, without regards to race, tribe, color, religion or any other affiliation of their parents.
Once won by the Spirit of GOD, the unborn child is protected from being overwhelmed by human vices, snares, and wickedness.