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Prayer for Unborn Babies

25 January 2025
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Just Like A Blue Flame

Just Like A Blue Flame

The Bunsen burner’s blue flame is invisible. It can be difficult to see under some circumstances. Yet it produces up to 500oC of heat. That is 932o F
In the same way, CBBI ministry utilizes the invisible but irresistible power of prayer to intercede on behalf of the unborn babies. No discrimination, no racism, no nepotism. It cancels the possibility of apathy. It cuts across culture, religion, and ethnicity.

Our calling is to seek GOD’s face to prepare the baby with spiritual immunization from GOD HIMSELF before they are born. CBBI does not wait till after birth to skirmish the forces warring against the child genericforgreece.com. Instead, we draw from the unseen power of GOD to daunt the subtle evil spirits that lure or tend to lure and overwhelm the spirit of the unborn baby. At CBBI Ministry, the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ (2 Corinthians 10:4,5). That is exactly where we stand. We have no power, might, wisdom, or understanding of our own. Our sufficiency is of the LORD (2Cor. 3:5)

CBBI Ministry is a powerful vessel in the hand of GOD, (the supreme controller of the whole universe) to manipulate, suppress and bring to nothingness the devices of the forces of darkness militating against the divine nature and destiny of the unborn baby. It is spiritually backed up by the supernatural power of the Holy Trinity – the FATHER, SON, and HOLY SPIRIT. If the LORD tarries, there is nothing any creature can do to stop or hinder its power and tremendous effectiveness in preparing the coming generation of people for the kingdom of GOD, .

Our weapon (prayer) has its foundation in Heaven, at the very presence of the GOD of Heaven and earth; right there at the “Throne of Grace.” (Heb. 4:16)

CBBIMinistries, is like the blue (invisible) light of a Bunsen burner, But the fruits are visible here on earth, in the form of born-again men and women ready for the Kingdom of GOD.

This is a ministry everyone who loves the kingdom of GOD should join without argument.It is interdenominational in nature. It should be a part and parcel of every other Christian ministry.

For more information, Call 215-439-5669 or visit our website at cbbintercessors.org
You are blessed of GOD. Amen.