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Prayer for Unborn Babies

8 February 2025
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The Great Light

June 18, 2021

Few years ago I had a dream where I saw a group of people sitting in a dark empty room that looked like a warehouse. Everyone sat on bare floor as if in chains, looking down awaiting their fate, not knowing what will become of them.

I remember that during that time in my life I was praying for God’s light to illuminate my life. I had many questions and I was searching for answers. Sometimes I didn’t even know what question to ask. Do you know that any area of sadness, confusion, or dissatisfaction in your life is your dark spot? You may have light and freedom in all other areas of life but there are still some areas that seem dark to you and each time you remember them your ‘joy balloon’ gets deflated.

Well, I think you’ll like to know what happened next in my dream.

I saw a big bright light penetrating that darkness. At first it looked like a small glimpse of light, but it grew brighter and brighter until it became a big bright light. Then, I see the people gradually lifting up their heads one by one, and one after the other they got up on their feet, slowly approaching the light into their freedom.

When I woke up from that dream these Bible verses came to my mind: Matthew 4:16, Isaiah 9:1-2, Isaiah 60:1, Luke 1:79, Luke 2: 32. “The people that sat in darkness have seen the great light”. Shortly after this I began to see God’s illuminating light in my life. It’s like Paul prayed that the eyes of our understanding be flooded with light. Another scripture says that the entrance of God’s word brings light and understanding to the simple. I started getting answers to questions I didn’t even know I had. Areas of confusion turned to clarity for me and I began to see clearly things that I couldn’t see before.

I want you to know that divine illumination is freely made available to you by God. He will show you what to do, how, when and where to do those things that look impossible to you. Just invite God’s light to any dark spots in your life, receive His light by faith with thanksgiving, and watch Him turn your darkness into light. Have a deLIGHTful day!